To: The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
To the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee: Withdraw support for the four Democratic Senator...
Our Congressmen are supposed to represent their constituents. By voting "No" on a Senate bill proposing very watered down gun regulations measures--closing background check loopholes and creating a Commission to study and report on causes of mass violence, among other things--these democratic senators have willfully ignored the 90% of citizens supporting such measures as a common sense step. Instead, they seem to have caved to the NRA and its threats of its financial power. Tell the DSCC that we will no longer contribute to its coffers until it publicly withdraws support for Mark Begich (Alaska), Mark Pryor (Arkansas), Max Baucus (Montana), and Heidi Heitkamp (North Dakota).
Why is this important?
Our Congressmen are supposed to represent their constituents. By voting "No" on a Senate bill proposing very watered down gun regulations measures--closing background check loopholes and creating a Commission to study and report on causes of mass violence, among other things--these democratic senators have willfully ignored the 90% of citizens supporting such measures as a common sense step. Instead, they seem to have caved to the NRA and its threats of its financial power. Tell the DSCC that we will no longer contribute to its coffers until it publicly withdraws support for Mark Begich (Alaska), Mark Pryor (Arkansas), Max Baucus (Montana), and Heidi Heitkamp (North Dakota).