To: Todd Spitzer, County Supervisor

Todd Spitzer: Save Holtz Ranch

Please stop St. Michael's Abbey from developing the historic 320-acre Holtz Ranch in Silverado Canyon.

Why is this important?

The canyon communities have been fighting to preserve the historic 320-acre Holtz Ranch in Silverado Canyon for over 30 years. St. Michael's Abbey proposes to develop a Monastery/Church/Sanctuary, Convent, Private Boarding School/Dormitories, Gymnasium/Athletic Facilities, Guest Cottages, Chapel/Cemetery, Agricultural Maintenance Buildings, and accessory gift shop, which threaten the Silverado-Modjeska Specific Plan, critical habitat for the endangered arroyo toad, cactus wren and meadowlark habitat, Native American archaeological sites, historic orchard, historic agricultural buildings, dark sky, road safety, air quality, and the overall quality of life for canyon residents. Measure M funds were almost used to acquire this property as permanent open space because OCTA recognized Holtz Ranch as a top tier property for its natural and cultural resource mitigation value. Now the county has reversed its opinion as a favor to St. Michael's Abbey, an exempt religious institution. The county has an opportunity to preserve the historic 320-acre Holtz Ranch as a natural and cultural landmark for the benefit of everyone.
