To: Toll Brothers
Stop Toll Brothers from developing Cedar Mt. in Newington, CT. This travesty will wipe out this natural, open space, while displacing numerous species of wildlife and destroy wetlands.
Why is this important?
I live across the street from the beautiful, natural, 500 acre Cedar Mt. in Newington CT. Scores of wildlife, including deer, coyotes, bobcats and a "watch list" bird of prey, make this mountain their home. Wetlands, vernal pools and various types of plant life are part of the awe-inspiring landscape.
For the past 3 years, Toll Brothers has been trying to destroy this mountain by building a development of McMansions. We need help stopping the travesty once and for all
For the past 3 years, Toll Brothers has been trying to destroy this mountain by building a development of McMansions. We need help stopping the travesty once and for all