To: Rep. Tom McClintock (CA-4)
Tom McClintock: Return your NRA funding
The National Rifle Association contributes large sums of money to many members of Congress creating a stranglehold over sensible gun control. Rep. Tom McClintock himself has received $33,750 in campaign contributions directly from the NRA over his career.
To show in good faith that his thoughts and actions are representative of the individuals of his district and not sold to the highest bidder, Rep. McClintock should return this money and publicly state that he will no longer accept campaign contributions from the NRA or from members of it's staff.
To show in good faith that his thoughts and actions are representative of the individuals of his district and not sold to the highest bidder, Rep. McClintock should return this money and publicly state that he will no longer accept campaign contributions from the NRA or from members of it's staff.
Why is this important?
The four largest mass shootings in US history have occurred since 2007, with the two largest occurring back to back in 2016 and 2017. This means that my two year old son has lived through the two largest mass shootings in modern US history. Yet after every mass shooting no progress is made on common sense gun reform, despite the majority of American's being in support of some change. One of the reasons for this is the fact that our representatives are bought and paid for by the NRA and other special interest groups. Signing this petition will put Tom on notice that he needs to listen directly to his constituents and compromise to solve the tough challenges of our times. Doing nothing solves nothing.