To: The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis

Too Many Tests! Scale Back Standardized Assessments in our Schools.

Students across the country, including in Florida, are being subjected to weeks of standardized testing in our schools, which eliminates critical and creative learning time with no real proof that these assessments help students make educational gains. Furthermore, the results of these assessments will be used to unfairly penalize teachers and schools, which may result in even less funding for struggling schools and educators. We implore our state leaders to put a stop to this destructive practice, so we can allow our educators to do their jobs.

Why is this important?

Teachers are the only professionals who are not respected enough to be allowed to assess their "clients," in this case, students and their learning gains. Teachers are the ONLY professionals trained to do this, yet we take the power out of their hands with endless hours of standardized testing that serves only to line the pockets of the major corporations that produce these tests. Enough is enough!
