To: The New Mexico State House, The New Mexico State Senate, and Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham
Top 2 Open Primaries in New Mexico
Closed primaries serve the interests of the parties - not the people. Primary elections , which are taxpayer funded should be open to all registered voters. Top Two Nonpartisan Primaries, which are now used in California and Washington allow all voters to vote in the primary for whichever candidate they want, and put the power where it belongs, with the voters, not the political parties and would help move politics in a positive direction. Voters would also save close to $500,000 (or more) with only one ballot. The top two vote winning candidates would run in the General Election.
Why is this important?
Partisanship and gridlock characterize policy making at both state and federal levels of government. 21% of NM registered voters are not registered to either party (18% are decline to state/independent voters). Closed primaries serve the interests of the political parties and not the people. Top 2 nonpartisan primaries put the power where it belongs - WITH THE PEOPLE.