To: President Donald Trump and The United States Senate

Top Priority, January 3, 2013 - Reform the Filibuster Rules

The Senate filibuster rules have been abused by Republicans to stymie ALL progressive legislation over the past 4 years and have completely paralyzed the operation of our government and democracy. On January 3, 2013 by simple majority vote, the Senate Democrats, led by Harry Reid. can reform the filibuster rules to allow the minority party a say on pending legislation or proposed judicial nominees, but NOT give the minority the ability to stop a "fair up or down vote" on legislation and judicial appointments critical to the country. In a perverse way, with the current filibuster rules, the U.S. ends up with what the MINORITY prefers and not what the MAJORITY prefers. How is that democracy? Democrats in the Senate should all be encouraged to get on board with the BEST and MOST FAIR reforms to the filibuster rules. Newly-elected Senator Elizabeth Warren has made filibuster reform her top fellow progressives, let's join her!

Why is this important?

The filibuster rules in the U.S. Senate stand in the way of everything we, as MoveOn members, want for the country. Let's pressure the Senate Democrats to revise the filibuster rules on January 3, 2013 (by simple majority) to ensure that EVERY legislation or court/cabinet appointment going forward ULTIMATELY gets an up-or-down vote. This change will restore SOME semblance of democracy in an institution that has only 10% public approval. Republicans should support this reform as well. If elections are won fairly by one party or the other, the agenda supported by that majority party (either Democrat or Republican) should be voted on and, if approved and implemented, the results of that legislation can then be fairly judged by US voters in future elections.