To: President Donald Trump, The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, Governor Kate Brown, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Total Public Funding of elections. Outside money influences made illegal.

Complete Public Funding for all publically held offices (From dog catcher to president of the U.S.A.).Every public office shall have a set budget limit for campaigning and every candidate shall use only those funds for their campaign. Candidates for public office as well as elected officials already in office are not even allowed to use their own personal money to pay for any campaigning. Each candidate will get equal amount of time of advertising on T.V. and in print newspaper or billboards etc. Eliminate all outside monetary or gift donations to any politician running for any office. All lobbyists are free to plead their cases but no money or gift or meal shall be offered to the targeted politician in exchange for any political leverage whatsoever, regardless if the lobbyist is a single taxpayer or a mega corporation. Just as it is illegal to bribe a Peace Officer, any money, gift or meal that is given to any politician during a campaign or while in office, shall be considered a bribe to a person with the power to effect the lives of every American and therefore, illegal. Any lobbyist offering a bribe to a politician or any politician accepting a bribe will suffer severe consequences. As a suggestion I think the punishment for such bribery should include one or all of the following: being thrown out of office, being barred from ever influencing politics/lobbying/running for office for a specified period of time or never again, and/or a hefty fine and possibly even a prison sentence depending on the severity of the bribery.

Why is this important?

Complete Public Funding for all publically held offices (From dog catcher to president of the U.S.A.).Every public office shall have a set budget limit for campaigning and every candidate shall use only those funds for their campaign. Private individuals or corporate entities are barred from giving any politician running for office or already holding office any money , gift or favor in exchange for political influence. To do so shall be considered a bribe and thus illegal which shall be punishable by law.
