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To: Towson University

Towson Distance Learning Grading System

This campaign has ended.

Suspend the normal grading system and temporarily (for the 2020 Spring Semester) replace it with a pass/fail system.

Why is this important?

Towson University has almost 23,000 students enrolled. That’s 23,000 diverse living situations and learning styles. For many, online classes are not the right platform they need in order to learn at their full potential, which is why they chose to study on campus. This could be because in house courses are best for their comprehension of content or because they simply do not have the proper tools or living conditions in order to succeed. During this time of stress and uncertainty, continuing to grade them using the same rigor as on campus classes is not what’s best for Towson’s students. While one student might have the tools and learning capability to achieve in distance learning, the next two may not. Many institutions have chosen to give their students the option of a pass/fail system and Towson should to.



2020-03-21 01:55:17 -0400

10 signatures reached