To: Dan Bane, CEO, Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's: Stop Selling Meat Containing Antibiotics

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported that the overuse of antibiotics is a growing threat to public health. Already, two million Americans get sick every year with antibiotic-resistant infections, and 23,000 die.

One of the causes of antibiotic resistance is the overuse of antibiotics on factory farms. 80% of antibiotics usage in the United States is for livestock that aren’t even sick.

Trader Joe’s should stop selling meat from factory farms that use antibiotics for non-medical reasons.

Why is this important?

Trader Joe’s has been responsive in the past to consumer concerns: they source their private label products with non-genetically modified ingredients, and have agreed not to sell genetically-engineered fish. And they already sell some antibiotic-free chicken and beef.

As a champion for healthy eating, Trader Joe’s should refuse to sell meat containing antibiotics.