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To: State Senator LaTonya Johnson


I am writing this letter to inquire about the possibilities of updating the City of Milwaukee, traffic light system with an innovative process of cameras. These are traffic violations cameras that would take photos of vehicle license plates and the vehicle and possibly the driver. Once a violation has occurred, the violator will be mailed a traffic citation with a photo of his/her violation. Below is a sample of various street intersection and four way stop signs that I am recommending. Of course, there are many more, but it all dependents on the budget?

Below are the various intersections:

North 60th Street and West. Capitol Drive
North 27th Street and West Capitol Drive
North 60th Street and West Hampton Ave
North 76th Street and W. Hampton Ave
West Appleton Ave and West Hampton Ave
North 43rd Street and West Capitol Drive
North 91st Street and West Hampton Ave
North 27th Street and West Burleigh Street
North 60th Street and West Mill Road

These are a few of the four way stop signs that need violation cameras at their intersections.

North 81st Steet and West Beckett Street
North 81st Street and Courtland Street
North 84th Street and West Villard Ave

Why is this important?

The most important factor is traffic accidents at intersections, drivers running traffic signals when the traffic signal is red. Saving lives is top priority to our citizens.



2022-05-22 09:19:33 -0400

50 signatures reached

2022-05-21 09:56:06 -0400

25 signatures reached

2022-05-20 16:23:21 -0400

10 signatures reached