To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Transparency and equality in our justice department

To promote Transparency and equality in our justice deparment,leading the way for our community to live.

Why is this important?

I'm always curious about what is the agenda for black men, every election cycle presidential candidates court and cater to all voting blocks except young black men. Our issues seems to always tied down with all others issues, which in affect doesn't let us focus on the major issue facing young black men. The Trayvon Martin case is a perfect example of why we need transparency and equality, even though this disproportionately affects young black men, it's equality for all. No mother/father would like to know that her son died and his body lay for 3 days before any notification. We need to practice what we preach and set a good example in our communities. If we want cooperation and a better community the police department should lead by example. they should hold every officer accountable and get rid of their oath,their version of 'stop snitching" because they allow cover ups to occur without accountability... I know this is a hard line to thread but its necessary, because we do need officers in our community, but we want everyone to feel protected and have these officers playing with our kids instead of killing them...