To: President Donald Trump, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Rep. Tom Reed (NY-23), Sen. Charles Schumer (NY-1), Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY-2), The United States House of Representatives, and The U...

Treat all Agent Orange veterans equally

Equal treatment for all veterans exposed to AGENT ORANGE in the application of the law. Presumptively or direct matters not and should be non discriminatory toward any veteran exposed to AGENT ORANGE HERBICIDES and treated equally with all laws in affect including the NEHMER LAW AND ANY FUTURE DISEASES FOUND TO BE CONNECTED TO THAT EXPOSURE.

Why is this important?

I am starting this Petition because VETERANS exposed to AGENT ORANGE herbicides are being treated differently in regards to COMPENSATION AND MEDICAL CARE AND FUTURE DISEASES CAUSED BY THAT EXPOSURE. All veterans exposed to AGENT ORANGE must be treated equally as far as any laws currently ACTIVE like the AGENT ORANGE ACT of 1991 and the NEHMER LAW. No veteran exposed either presumptively or directly were unaware of any consequences of that exposure there fore EQUAL TREATMENT must be afforded to all exposed to THIS POISONOUS CHEMICAL.