To: The Virginia State House and Governor Ralph Northam

Treatment and Rehabilitation for Victims of Sexual Assault and Rape

Provide Jake and all victims of sexual child abuse treatment and counseling they so desperately need.

Why is this important?

My son Jake was given GHB, the date rape drug, at the age of 13 then sexually assaulted and raped while on a camping trip with his soccer team. His rapist was his soccer coach who is also a secret service agent. This continued for 6 years without anyone knowing or stopping it and Jake turned to drugs to heal his pain. We went to the police for help because Jake was over the age of 18 and police told us we needed him to get arrested so he could receive the help he so desperately needed. He has been arrested and he is not receiving treatment or counseling. Jake needs treatment and compassion for the crimes that have been committed against him. We need help before May 2nd, 2013.