To: President Donald Trump, The West Virginia State House, The West Virginia State Senate, Governor Jim Justice, and The United States House of Representatives

Tricare enrollment fees for retired reserve military personnel.

Stop the disparity in Tricare enrollment fees between retired reserve and retired active duty service members.

Why is this important?

TRICARE rates for retirees continue to increase in spite of healthcare changes in this country. TRICARE is a health care program that provides coverage to active duty, National Guard and Reserve service members and their families worldwide. The law requires retired reserve members to pay the full cost of coverage under TRR with no government subsidy. That cost is slightly decreased from the 2012 rates but one must consider that these rates are far above HMO and PPO rates that retired members could purchase on their own without using TRICARE. The disparity between rates for active duty retired service members and retired reserve service members is outrageous.
The FY 2013 enrollment fees, effective October 1, 2012 for retired reserve members are as follows: (Tricare, 2012).
Individual: $402.11 per month
Member and Family: $969.10 per month
The FY 2013 enrollment fees for retired active duty service members effective October 1, 2012, are as follows:
Individual: $269.28 per year
Family: $538.56 per year
We must speak out and let our voices be heard. As retired members of the military, we should have some government subsidy to help us have access to healthcare that is affordable. Why is there such a disparity between active duty retired rates and those of retired reserve rates? Many reservists in this country have been mobilized many times in support of the war efforts and ongoing needs of the country. In spite of this, retired reserve members that have completed 20 years or more of service must pay enrollment fees that make it impossible for many of us to afford healthcare. Retired reserve members deserve affordable access to healthcare.

Tricare Enrollment Fees. (2012). Retrieved from