To: President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Trickle Down Doesn't work

Let's work together to eliminate self interest in Government so we can get our freedoms and prosperity once again for all Americans'. Change that matters has reared up an ugly side in politics. President Obama was too close to the truth so McConnell, Boehner and Cantor pushed back at any cost with lies and deceit to pit the American people against each other.

Why is this important?

Our economy is tied to the middle class of millions and not the so called "Job Creators" We want the American dream for all not just a few. You cannot silence the majority. A decade of self interest, greed and deception has divided our country. We need a congress to represent the people with compromise. There are thousands who are giving up on our democracy because they do not think their vote counts. We need to change that!