To: Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Trump Supporters Standing Against Racism

After seeing both the recent spike in hate crimes and Trump’s administration potentially teeming with men who have promoted racism and xenophobia, we who voted for Trump hereby implore him to condemn white supremacists across America and not appoint any to his administration. We urge Congress and other government officials to do everything in their power to stop the spread of discrimination poisoning our country. Systemic oppression and the harassment of minorities were not what we intended to fuel when we cast our votes for Trump as president, and we boldly speak out as a united voice against them. Trump and white nationalists may no longer use our votes as an excuse for their intolerance.

Why is this important?

I'm appealing to everyone who voted for Trump: if you are ashamed of the recent rise of hate crimes and some of Trump's picks for his administration, sign this petition. It’s disheartening to hear that the most racist of Americans believe that “Trump is President” is a fine excuse to draw swastikas, shout hateful slurs, and otherwise harass minorities. White Nationalists are growing in number and gaining power in "Trump’s America." Trump himself thinks that your vote for him, after everything he said during the election season, means he can pick people who have promoted hatred for Jews, Muslims, and other minorities for his administration. I have to hope that for most of you, this was not your intention; regardless, it is the outcome.
I say all of this not to scorn you but to call you to action. I want to create a space where, should it be possible, a bold coalition of regretful Trump voters rise up, poised to fight back against what their votes have perhaps unintentionally encouraged. As the people who put him into power, you have a unique role to play, as your voices will ring louder than those who opposed him. I believe you are currently our best bet in the continued struggle for equality and respect for all. Thank you.