To: Julius Genachowski, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission

Truth in Campaign Ads

TV advertisers must adhere to F.C.C. truth in advertising regulations. Why do political commercials get a free pass? We demand that the Federal Communications Commission start fact checking the accuracy content of political ads.

Why is this important?

Promoters of products on television must adhere to truth in advertising regulations set up by the Federal Communications Commission. Why do political commercials get a free pass on this. The Romney campaign is pouring countless millions into misleading and untrue ads about how President Obama has "raided" billions from Medicare, when actually the adjustments made by the administration were to cut waste in the program and have no adverse effect on benefits for seniors. We demand that the Federal Communications Commission start fact checking the accuracy content of ads saturating the airwaves and hold "liars" accountable. Fines, obviously will have little impact but a website with a "liars list" could work wonders.
