We urge the U.S. Congress to encourage the truthful reporting of the news. Agencies or entities that designate themselves as news providers shall ensure that their communications to the public are truthful. Agencies or entities include but are not limited to the following: newspapers, magazines, television broadcasts, television stations, radio broadcasts, internet news sites, etc. Truthful refers to well-researched information that, to the best of the agency or entity's knowledge, is correct. Statements or commentary that is devoid of research that comports with best journalistic practices shall be fined no less than $25,000. Willfully incorrect information such as propaganda, false speech, unchecked factual accusations, and ad hominem attacks shall be punished by a fine no less than $50,000.
Programs or media outlets which are designated as "Entertainment providers" are exempted from this provision.
Why is this important?
The Intent and Purpose of this Petition is to encourage news sources to report the news accurately and honestly.