To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Truth in US Media

We the People do hereby demand an end to lies, distortions, fraud, and false propaganda being desimminated on our public airwaves. Freedom of Speech is a cherished right. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, and they can speak that opinion freely or write their opinion, or publish books or make comments in the public media. But NO-ONE shall be allowed to publish distorted statements which they fraudlently pass off as "facts" or claim purported "research" to bolster, backup or offer as proof of their opinion. We the People propose that all media releases must be reviewed by a Board of Moderators and all claimed "facts", "research" or "evidence" must be validated as authentic and the souce must be scientifically and materially legitimate and accurate, or the proposed document, film clip, or words shall not be released into the American Media. In cases of live interviews and live debates, if a person is proven to be desimminating a false message, or a distortion of facts, then that person shall be subject to arrest, prosecution and imprisonment as well as immediate disqualification from seeking the office to which he/she was a candidate in an election. In cases of PACs, Super PACs, or an "election aid groups" operating to get a particular candidate or party members elected, their officers, directors, employees, members, staff and managers shall be held accountable collectively and individually for prosecution and stiff fines. Corporate and/or Special Interests and/or inmdividuals funding such agencies producing lies, distortions and false propaganda shall also be identified, publically acknowledged and fined at not less than 5 times the amount which they funded for the false information they submitted for dessimination. Fines and imprisionment shall be considerable, as people's lives and the future well being of our nation and our people is at stake. We must get the liars and propaganda specialists our of our government. Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck and other propaganda, lies and distortion specialists from all parties, groups or PACs must be removed from main stream media access.

Why is this important?

We the People have been subjected to and victimized by lies, distortions, fraud and false propaganda in the American media and as a result we are dangerously divided politically as a nation, radical elements have been elected under false pretenses and some people have even died as a result of distortions in the media because they did not know how they could get assistance, or they believed false claims for untested medicines or alternative supplements. This must stop. We must get the liars off the air, and out of our government!!