To: President Donald Trump, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Tuition Hike

Please sign this petition for So people like us can have a future and do not have to worry about paying part of their tuition.

Why is this important?

Well I'm a student at York College. Recently their been changes to our tuition, now we have to pay a part of our tuition. I had to pay $123.00, towards my bill. I was very un-clear about this change. I was used to having Tap and Pell cover this part. This made things a bit hard for me because not only I have to pay for this also my daughter's day care. It is getting a bit expensive because I also work at a minimum wage job that does pay as much. I'm struggling to go to school and work because I still have other bills to pay. I thought Finical aid can ease the stress by paying this portion it will make life a lot easy.
I'm worried about other students does not have a jobs How are they going to pay for school ? Even worse they have to pull out a loan!! This could effect one's credit and life!!