To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Twenty-year investigation of the harmful effects of diesel exhaust still unpublished.

We the signers of this petition demand that our federal government immediately release the results, and relevant scholarly articles, regarding the $11.5 million investigation by the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health on the health effects of 12,000 miners exposed to diesel fumes.

Why is this important?

Publication of a landmark government study probing whether diesel engine exhaust causes lung cancer in miners — already 20 years in the making — has been delayed by industry and congressional insistence on seeing study data and documents before the public does. Particles emitted in diesel exhaust are ultrafine — "smaller than a virus." These diesel particles, coated with toxic chemicals and metals, can penetrate cells and cause cancer and other diseases. See URL for more information: