To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Two parties can't represent 300 million people: We demand Proportional Representation

Make America more democratic by switching to a Proportional Representation voting system like those used in other modern democracies.

Why is this important?

While we in the US lag behind, most modern democracies have embraced the idea of Proportional Representation (PPR) as a way to increase the people's voice in government. Under this system, votes are cast nationwide for political parties which in turn send representatives to the legislature. This allows more than two parties to hold seats in government, more accurately represents the will of the people, and prevents the kind of political blackmail we face here in the US, where if you don't vote for one the two parties, you tacitly vote for the one in the lead. Isn't it time that America holds multiparty elections and becomes at least as democratic as Germany or France? Help us make this great country even more free.