To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

UAV's vs. Privacy Rights

Unmanned aerial vehicles (aka drones) should only be used with a court ordered warrant and should be unarmed within domestic U.S. air space unless there is an international or terrorist threat. The general use of UAV's for law enforcement is forbidden. The use of UAV's as a missile or destructive projectile is also forbidden. The use of more than one UAV for surveillance of a particular subject requires a district court's approval.

Why is this important?

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV's aka Drones) should only be used with a warrant and should be unarmed within domestic U.S. air space unless there is an international or terrorist threat. This needs to happen in this session as the technology is ahead of the current laws.
Reports have shown that UAV's have been flown over the Houston area for unknown reasons.