To: Michael Mulgrew, UFT President

UFT Leadership: Endorse Bill de Blasio Now

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Teachers support Bill de Blasio for Mayor. It's time for our union to support him too.

Why is this important?

I am a teacher who proudly voted for Bill de Blasio for Mayor. Most teachers I know did the same, though some voted for Bill Thompson.
Bill de Blasio has consistently supported policies that will improve education for all New York City students and invest in the teaching force that will make that possible. He made investments in early childhood education a centerpiece of the campaign, a policy that could make a huge difference in educational outcomes in the city and help close the achievement gap. I was also encouraged by his call for a temporary halt in charter school openings, his opposition to school report cards as they stand, his criticism of high stakes testing, and his demand that communities be given a say in co-locations and closings.
To reverse 12 years of dubious education policy under Mayor Bloomberg, educators must unite with other progressives in backing de Blasio.
It's time for the United Federation of Teachers to endorse de Blasio for Mayor.
If you are a teacher please say so in the comments when you sign.
