Political Leaders of our nation,
Most reputable scientists agree that the long term sustainable population for our planet is less than one billion humans. We now have seven billion. In 53 years we'll have twice that. But a nation which attempts to control its population will see its capital migrate away to other nations which make no such effort (& hence have cheaper labor). Therefore, we who put you in office stongly urge you to give the United Nations authority to equitably reduce the population of our nation (along with all other nations) until the world's population is one billion souls.
Why is this important?
Most sustainability efforts concentrate on reducing the average carbon or water footprint of citizens. But we currently have a seven to one excess of humanity over what our planet can sustain over the long run. This fast rising tidal wave of humanity will, in 53 years, be a 14 to 1 excess. In this light, current sustainability efforts can be seen as "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic".