To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Unconstitutional practicum of MPAA/RIAA

It is my desire that a civil suit be filed against both of these organizations so that we, the people, may be granted our Free Speech rights in accordance with the Constitution of these United States. Or, that these two organizations are disbanded, and a new regulated commission for these industries be put in place, overseen by the government, which can then in turn be monitored by the public to ensure fair, legal practices.

Why is this important?

The MPAA/RIAA are censoring material distributed to the people of these United States. The MPAA specifically hires a public board who is then kept private, as well as their rules, practices, associations, affiliations, etc. whilst involving the military, heads of church, and a sleu of those who make/distribute/profit off of these movies in the decision making of how films are rated. There are no appeals and they maintain the power to keep what films they wish from release.