To: The California State House

Undocumented people need driver license

Please take action of this petition. Thank you for your hulimde attention.

Why is this important?

Undocumented people who live in State of California, really need a driver license for the protecting of all Californians. On this way, police officers can identify immedinly the record of the driver, if he/she has been under of alcohol situation, to purich those who broke our State Laws. However, I had been affect by this, as my church's friends who give me rides to my house, officers took their cars, as they don't have a California driver license or from other US State. I seem this unfair, as California State Government need and must pass a bill into a law, a driver license for those undocumented people who really need it, who work really hard, go to the church to Prise God, serve other.