To: Rick Bradshaw, Palm Beach Head sheriff, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis

unfair daily fees charged for local jails are discriminatory

The Local Palm Beach County jail charges any inmate who wants to order canteen from the commissary a daily service fee of $3.00 per day. That makes it very difficult for families to fund their loved ones account to be able to order extra food and snacks or even necessities such as socks and t-shirts because the weekly charge of $21.00 gets deducted from any money they contribute. The extra $21. is accounted as an additional fee that goes to the county. It was raised from $2.00-$3.00/day over 4 years ago and most county jails do not charge these high fees. This makes it very prohibitive for families because these fees add up every week so whenever the family can put money in the inmates account, the prior weeks charges of $21. gets taken out first before they can order and leaves very little left over. In addition the prices of items are extremely expensive sometimes 3X's what it would cost at a local store. The jails serve starchy foods in small amounts and so the inmates need to have additional food to keep from losing too much weight. Many come from low income families and this is a huge burden to add the higher amounts needed to fund the canteen and therefore can not afford it. It also discriminatory against many who are indigent. Another issue is that when some get canteen and others dont causes many fights and stealing of others food. Its very harsh and inequitable against many.

Why is this important?

Yes, I have a loved one who is incarcerated and am directly impacted by the unfairness of this practice. The cost are exhorbitant and find it extremely difficult to be able to afford to pay for extra food to keep him from feeling like we live in a 3rd world country. He goes hungry many nights and loses weight very easy. At times others will share some leftovers from their trays. On top of the high food gouging and daily fees we also pay over $3.00 per phone call. They are there to be punished but it is extreme to add this to important basic needs and must be changed!