To: The Maryland State House, The Maryland State Senate, and Governor Larry Hogan

Unfair New Rule Against Pitbulls in Montgomery county, Silver Spring, MD

Good Afternoon, My neighborhood is attempting to enforce a rule within this area (no indicated signs to identify the specified areas). Stockbridges at Tanglewood a condominium association will rule on the decision to enforce All pitbulls INCLUDING American Staffordshire Terrier, American pitbull terrier,American Bull terriers & Bull Terrier will have to be MUZZLED, ONLY to be walked be its owner, ONLY to be walked on a short leash... This is CLEARLY discrimination to this breed! Nothing about German Shepard's, Akita breed, Pomeranian, Chow,Jack Russell terriers or Poodles.. The crime is an issue in this area,I personally have been a target of crime in the past. That was one reason for getting "Cowboy" my American Staffordshire. Also stating that IF allowed to be grandfathered in, the so called "bully breed" must be registered and registration papers need to be submitted for approval. Let me add that IF and only if you're approved you MUST carry an insurance policy on the dog for $300,000. This is unheard of.In a neighborhood that has as many dogs as they have kids. Again I say...This is CLEARLY discrimination!!
Please, PLEASE help us to NOT let this happen to our four legged friends.

Why is this important?

Stockbridges at Tanglewood a condominium association located in Colesville/Silver Spring,MD will rule on 11/28/2012 the decision to enforce All pitbulls INCLUDING American Staffordshire Terrier, American pitbull terrier,American Bull terriers & Bull Terrier.This is CLEARLY discrimination to this breed! Nothing aboutany other breed such as German Shepard's, Akita breed, Pomeranian, Chow,Jack Russell terriers or Poodles.. Again I say...This is CLEARLY discrimination!!
Please, PLEASE help us to NOT let this happen to our four legged friends.
American Staffordshire Terrier Owner
Silver Spring, MD 20904
