To: Mr. VanDyke, Maria Carrillo High School Principal

Unfair Practices Keep Senior Student From Going To Prom

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Send Chris to Prom so he can have his last and final high school experience before graduating.

Why is this important?

A senior student, Chris, needed to run home during his lunch hour to get a text book for a class he had. He asked his friend if he could borrow his car to do so. Friend tosses keys to Chris and he puts them in his pocket and goes to his next class. Administration wants to search the friends car and calls Chris to office because he was in possession of the keys (all of this was completely unknown to Chris). Whatever the issue was regarding the search of the vehicle had nothing to do with Chris but when he gave administration the keys of his friend they saw a small key chain pocket knife and suspended Chris for being in possession of a weapon on school campus, despite them not being his keys and not knowing the keys had this small pocket knife on them. He is now not allowed to attend the Prom, which is unfair when administration has bent rules for other students. Administration cannot pick and choose when to uphold policies for some students and then allow other students to not have consequences for their actions. Chris did nothing wrong and he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We want administration to spend their time upholding the rules and protecting students from the students who are breaking policies and rules knowingly and with intent as opposed to cracking down on an innocent student with a technicality. Please support us in sending Chris to Prom!!!!
