To: United Gun Group

United Gun Group: Shut Down George Zimmerman's Hateful Auction

This campaign has ended.

Stop profiteering off of injustice and murder. United Gun Group must do the right thing and SHUT THIS AUCTION DOWN.

Why is this important?

Our state and the entire nation was shocked when George Zimmerman was exonerated for the murder of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin nearly three years ago. Since the acquittal, Zimmerman has had multiple brushes with the law, including allegations of domestic violence. He has been recorded using racially charged and insensitive language and he has been recorded bragging about "getting away with it." But his most recent actions take the cake. George Zimmerman is auctioning the gun that took Trayvon Martin away from his mother, his father, his family and his future. He is attempting to cash in on injustice.

We can't allow this to happen. The Martin family has suffered enough, they should not be reminded of the worst day of their collective lives while a murderer profits off of their loss.

United Gun Group must do the right thing and SHUT THIS AUCTION DOWN. Please sign our petition demanding United Gun Group stop profiteering off of injustice and murder.
