To: The United Nations

United Nations: Stop Human Rights Violations in Chicago!

When the school-year starts this August, nearly 30,000 children will be displaced from their elementary schools in Chicago. In March 2013 the City of Chicago announced the closure of 49 public schools — the largest wave of school closures in American history. This accounts for 10% of all public schools in Chicago.

African-American students will be disproportionately impacted by the closings. While they account for about 40% of all students in Chicago public schools, over 80% of the students affected by the schools closings are African American. The neighborhoods where many schools are set to close are plagued with gang violence and displaced students, many of whom will be forced to travel through new areas, will face an increased risk of violence. The quality of education will suffer as students are packed into larger classes. Those students who need the most resources devoted to their education are precisely the ones who will be deprived of it. The City of Chicago has ignored the widespread objections raised against the school closings by students, parents, teachers, and community members.

The United States is bound by United Nations Treaties that guarantee all Americans the right to education, right to non-discrimination and equality, and right to be free from violence. The City Council of Chicago specifically adopted the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and ordered all city agencies to advance policies that are consistent with it. The Chicago school closings violate the human rights of children in Chicago.

Why is this important?

The Midwest Coalition for Human Rights, a coalition of 56 organizations, on behalf of itself and parents, students, teachers, community members, and the many civil society organizations, sent a Letter of Allegation to United Nations asking that they investigate and prevent human rights violations in Chicago.
Tell the United Nations to take action to investigate and prevent human rights violations in Chicago by signing your name to the Letter of Allegation to the United Nations.
A copy of the Letter of Allegation can be found at:
