Whereas the voters of United States have politicians that routinely pass legislation and take executive privilege beyond the voter's expressed desires, we demand the right to recall politicians (both legislative and executive) who fail to meet the electorate's mandates. We further demand that both the United States Constitution amended to include the right of recall, and such right shall not be more stringently restricted than it is in other US States or US Cities that currently recognize the right in their respective bodies of law.
Why is this important?
Whereas the voters of United States have politicians that routinely pass legislation and take executive privilege beyond the voter's expressed desires, we demand the right to recall politicians (both legislative and executive) who fail to meet the electorate's mandates. We further demand that both the United States Constitution amended to include the right of recall, and such right shall not be more stringently restricted than it is in other US States or US Cities that currently recognize the right in their respective bodies of law.