To: President Donald Trump and The United States Senate

Universal Conscription for Israel

Make further U.S. aid to Israel contingent on implementation of a universal draft for all residents, including Palestinian Christians, Muslims, Bahai, as well as Reform, Orthodox, and Conservative Jews.

Whereas the Government of Israel, which receives massive amounts of U.S. foreign aid, openly and proudly practices apartheid, much as the U.S. South formerly practiced,

Whereas this practice of apartheid, as it did in the Southern U.S., denies the rights of citizenship to a large segment of its population based on an arbitrary distinction of birth,

And whereas the apartheid practiced in the U.S. was profoundly altered by the social effects of universal conscription during World War II,

Be it herewith resolved that the United States make the following condition on further aid to Israel, that the Israeli Government institute universal conscription for public service that shall include a standard basic training,

and that this training shall apply upon attainment of the age of majority to all residents of the territory claimed by Israel since 1967,

and that these residents are to be trained in randomly selected pools, irrespective of race, religion, or birth location, with no distinction in training made whether subsequent public service be military or civilian.

Why is this important?

The universal draft in the U.S. during WW II had a major impact on the success of civil rights and racial integration efforts in this country. Making such a policy for Israel a requirement for further U.S. aid would give Israel a chance of solving its internal apartheid problem.
