To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Universal Freedom of Worker Assembly

The first amendment guarantees the right of the people peaceably to assemble, however the only collective bargaining in America is available only to a minority of American workers, enforces a bureaucracy independent from the worker and employer alike, requires fees, is forcibly bundled with benefits and draws scorn from capitalists and mistrust from the general public.

This petition aims to establish collective bargaining for all workers of a given profession, class or employer as guaranteed by the constitution so it would naturally be devoid of any fees, union membership requirements or additional costs to either worker or employer.

Why is this important?

Unions are hated by business owners and unavailable to most workers, moreover they have been diminished by scandal and senselessly require payment for membership.

The aims of this petition are to set in motion the official facilitation of worker empowerment without the institution of unions as we know them today. In our service-based economy, the majority of US workers are paid little, easily replaced and have the lowest net worth in generations. There is no reason that the first amendment right to assemble should be circumvented by societal pay-to-play unions or outright banned by any employer in the land.

Furthermore we would propose that any benefits will be provided through employers as they are to any employee; no additional management of pensions, insurances or assurances than already exists. This, in the vision of the Altruist Party, will ensure that workers can truly collectively negotiate with employers free of bureaucratic hierarchies and allow membership to all requiring only their voice to participate.
