To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Unvictimize IRS refund owners
WHEREAS it is now the policy of Dept of Treasury Internal Revenue Service to refuse to remit tax overpayment refunds to victims of identity theft related to false tax returns by unknown third parties; and
WHEREAS it is now the policy of Dept of Treasury IRS to refuse to provide a copy of the taxpayers tax returns claimed to be fraudulent;
IT SHALL BE THE POLICY OF THE U S GOVT THAT refunds shall be promptly remitted to the actual taxpayer upon receipt of a fraud affidavit and proof of identity and all such taxpayers shall have the right to review and receive any and all tax returns filed using the taxpayers name and social security numbers.
WHEREAS it is now the policy of Dept of Treasury IRS to refuse to provide a copy of the taxpayers tax returns claimed to be fraudulent;
IT SHALL BE THE POLICY OF THE U S GOVT THAT refunds shall be promptly remitted to the actual taxpayer upon receipt of a fraud affidavit and proof of identity and all such taxpayers shall have the right to review and receive any and all tax returns filed using the taxpayers name and social security numbers.
Why is this important?
IRS now withholds payment of taxpayers overpaid income taxes (aka tax refunds) when the taxpayer has been the victim of identity theft via the filing of false returns by unknown third parties. IRS further refuses to release a copy of the taxpayer's tax returns filed under the name and SSN of the taxpayer once a fraud affidavit has been filed by the real taxpayer. The money belongs to the taxpayer, not the IRS.
This petition urges Congress to pass legislation whereby IRS is prohibited from withholding tax refunds to taxpayers who provide proof of being the real taxpayer and authorizes all such victims to obtain and any all tax returns filed under their names and SSNs.
This petition urges Congress to pass legislation whereby IRS is prohibited from withholding tax refunds to taxpayers who provide proof of being the real taxpayer and authorizes all such victims to obtain and any all tax returns filed under their names and SSNs.