To: Harold Clarke, director of vadoc

Unwarranted Searches At River North CC/ VADOC

Offender's families are being harrassed by staff at River North CC to justify searches that come out clean and our visitations are taken away from us for nothing.

Why is this important?

We as family have every right to see aand visit with our loved ones. There is no reason why we should have to suffer like we are incacerated as well. Understand there aare rules to visitation and complying with them are not nor should they be a problem. But when we comply we are still treated like as they maay put it "just another inmate" Me personally I have experienced 2 of the most degrading situations ever in life both with in less than a month apart. And both at River North CC. I was strip searched my car was searched and i complied. Staff took pictures of my medications. I suffer from severe anxiety and biptolar. i proved they were my meds by my name being on the bottles. the narcotic dog supposebly alerted on me after being searched and of course coming out clean after being made to squat cough and all while being on my menstral i still was only aloud 1 hour with my husband in a no contact visit this was on Oct 14,2018. Then on Nov 10th, 2018 the same thing happened this time i didnt have my meds i told them id no longer take my meds before visit of have them on me. It happened again same outcome i was clean. this time i same visit sitauation. My anxiety is a disability others go through this all the time but not every one speaks out. It is time we STOP letting people get away with the disrespect of us and our loved ones and we stand up for our families. there are more details to my story. Stand with me and sign this petition and lets get it to Mr.Clarke and Mr. Robinson and our Govenor. Share this petition as well. Thank You "S.J."