To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Update our voting system

Tuesday voting should be obsolete. It was chosen in 1845 to make it easier for people to get to the polls by horse and buggy since it took 2 days to make the round trip and no one wanted to travel on the Sabbath. 167 years later we are still voting on a day when most of the population has to work. An online option would be ideal, but since that may take a couple years to figure out, why not simply change the day of voting to Saturdays?

Once we accomplish that, we should make it possible to vote online, with all the security we can muster of course. Voting in the polls with a paper card you receive in the mail is completely outdated. We would have greater security for voting if everything was online and could instantly be checked.

Let's start by getting rid of an ancient tradition of voting on tuesdays and change the voting day to Saturday when the majority of people will have more opportunities to get out and vote.

Why is this important?

Tuesday voting should be obsolete. It was chosen in 1845 to make it easier for people to get to the polls by horse and buggy since it took 2 days to make the round trip and no one wanted to travel on the Sabbath. 167 years later we are still voting on a day when most of the population has to work.