To: The Maryland State House, The Maryland State Senate, and Governor Larry Hogan

Update the Maryland State Song

While we are banning the Confederate flag from the good state of Maryland, it is time to shine light on the Maryland state song [“Hogan hedges on removing statue, stadium name,” Metro, June 25]. Adopted by the state legislature in 1939, it calls President Lincoln a despot. It entreats Maryland to secede from the union and win the Civil War. The poem that became the lyrics was written just after the bloodshed in Baltimore caused when Lincoln called troops to Washington.

The most quizzical part of this is the date this song was adopted: 74 years after the Civil War. This is an embarrassment, especially when the song is played at the Preakness.

The Maryland state song should be updated immediately.

Joseph O. Boggi, Silver Spring

Why is this important?

I've been saving this issue for a long time. If they do not change this now, when the confederate symbols are being seen for what they are, then when?

The Maryland state song is not just a symbol, it actually spells out in explicit terms what all Marylanders should do. It is way out of date, and needs to go.