To: Dr. Tom Frieden, Director, Centers for Disease Control, President Donald Trump, The North Carolina State House, The North Carolina State Senate, Governor Roy Cooper, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Urge Dr. Tom Frieden of the CDC to immediately undertake gun violence research.

We urge Dr. Tom Frieden to direct the CDC to immediately resume research of gun violence in the United States, knowing very well that the CDC may have its funding cut by NRA-supported legislators in the Congress. We encourage him to do this, knowing that he is risking his career. We believe that risk is worth taking for the tens of thousands of lives lost each year in the United States to gun violence.

Why is this important?

My friends, family and I have all lost loved ones to gun violence in the last 20 years. The experience is brutal and tragic for the victims, and emotionally devastating for the survivors. Currently our Congress restricts research of the causes of gun violence through specious language in the Dickey amendment. If Congress won't remove that rider, the only recourse we have is being brave enough to risk more funds being cut out of unconscionably cynical support of the gun lobby by our legislators. We say the risk is worth it. And if legislators cut funding, we will protest with new allies like cancer researchers and others who are being unnecessarily punished.
