To: Cynthia L Quarterman, PHMSA Pipeline Safety Central Region Office, President Donald Trump, The Missouri State House, The Missouri State Senate, and Governor Mike Parson
Urge President Obama and other government officials to repeal the Enbridge Flanagan South Pipelin...
Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.
PETITION TO PRESIDENT OBAMA: We urge you, Gina McCarthy, and Ernest Moniz, to repeal the permit and stop the Enbridge Flanagan South Pipeline from being constructed to carry tar sand oil through 11 Missouri counties and elsewhere. Approval to build was rushed through by means of a Nationwide Permit which affords virtually no opportunity for public comment.
This pipeline is not an oil pipeline. It will be carrying “dil-bit”. Dil-bit is a mixture of tar sands bitumen and natural gas distillate which, in turn, contains an appreciable amount of carcinogenic benzene. Dil-bit pipelines operate at higher pressure and temperature than oil pipelines and are more prone to leakage. Dil-bit is much more difficult to clean up than oil when there is a spill. The spill of dil-bit into the Kalamazoo river some three years ago is still being cleaned up and has already cost over one billion dollars. It should also be noted that dil-bit pipeline owners are not required to pay into the Federal Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund.
The Sierra Club and the National Wildlife Federation have filed lawsuits. The Missouri
Coalition for the Environment points out that all Missourians should be concerned because the many water crossings are also sources of drinking water across the state.
The Enbridge Flanagan South Pipeline has not been well publicized in the State of Missouri in a timely fashion for citizens to effectively protest in large numbers. The Enbridge Pipeline is ¾ the size of the Keystone XL Pipeline, which has been well publicized and has had massive citizen protests throughout our country.
As the St. Louis Post article states, initial contact with landowners and elected officials was made in January 2012, and made numerous outreach efforts across the pipeline route. It is easily understood, how the Enbridge company’s profitable enterprise could favorably sell the pipeline idea to rural communities and elected officials. By the company presenting the idea of job opportunities, while avoiding addressing the risks, and without a comprehensive environmental analysis, or allowance for public input, “so many who live in areas of the project know few details about it”.
One hundred percent of scientists now agree that human use of dirty fossil fuel is the main cause of global warming. The ethical and moral choices we must make are towards a clean energy future. No longer can politics and the manner in which this permit was acquired be tolerated. On a balance scale the risk to all life on our planet, including human life, far outweighs the profit margin line of corporations. The time to take a stand is now. Clean energy is available with jobs and profit to be gained as well.
Our deepest concern is the need to move towards a clean energy future for ourselves, future generations, and all life. We respectfully urge you to help us safeguard the citizens of our state, other states, and our environment from this unfair immoral destructive solution to our energy needs.
Toni Wirts
Petition Signers
This pipeline is not an oil pipeline. It will be carrying “dil-bit”. Dil-bit is a mixture of tar sands bitumen and natural gas distillate which, in turn, contains an appreciable amount of carcinogenic benzene. Dil-bit pipelines operate at higher pressure and temperature than oil pipelines and are more prone to leakage. Dil-bit is much more difficult to clean up than oil when there is a spill. The spill of dil-bit into the Kalamazoo river some three years ago is still being cleaned up and has already cost over one billion dollars. It should also be noted that dil-bit pipeline owners are not required to pay into the Federal Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund.
The Sierra Club and the National Wildlife Federation have filed lawsuits. The Missouri
Coalition for the Environment points out that all Missourians should be concerned because the many water crossings are also sources of drinking water across the state.
The Enbridge Flanagan South Pipeline has not been well publicized in the State of Missouri in a timely fashion for citizens to effectively protest in large numbers. The Enbridge Pipeline is ¾ the size of the Keystone XL Pipeline, which has been well publicized and has had massive citizen protests throughout our country.
As the St. Louis Post article states, initial contact with landowners and elected officials was made in January 2012, and made numerous outreach efforts across the pipeline route. It is easily understood, how the Enbridge company’s profitable enterprise could favorably sell the pipeline idea to rural communities and elected officials. By the company presenting the idea of job opportunities, while avoiding addressing the risks, and without a comprehensive environmental analysis, or allowance for public input, “so many who live in areas of the project know few details about it”.
One hundred percent of scientists now agree that human use of dirty fossil fuel is the main cause of global warming. The ethical and moral choices we must make are towards a clean energy future. No longer can politics and the manner in which this permit was acquired be tolerated. On a balance scale the risk to all life on our planet, including human life, far outweighs the profit margin line of corporations. The time to take a stand is now. Clean energy is available with jobs and profit to be gained as well.
Our deepest concern is the need to move towards a clean energy future for ourselves, future generations, and all life. We respectfully urge you to help us safeguard the citizens of our state, other states, and our environment from this unfair immoral destructive solution to our energy needs.
Toni Wirts
Petition Signers
Why is this important?
The Enbridge Flanagan South Pipeline has been rushed through the permit process to build a pipeline in 11 counties in Missouri without opportunity for public comment. This will affect the drinking water throughout the entire state. 100% of scientists agree the fossil fuel industry is primarily responsible for global warming. To continue putting human life, and all life now and future at risk, is unethical and immoral, when clean energy solutions are available and are cost effective.