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To: Government of The British Virgin Islands

Urgent Request for Enhanced Healthcare on Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands

Subject: Urgent Request for Enhanced Healthcare Services on Virgin Gorda

We, the undersigned, residents and stakeholders of Virgin Gorda, respectfully bring to your attention the critical and ongoing issue regarding the lack of proper healthcare services on our island. As a community, we continue to experience severe challenges due to limited access to essential healthcare facilities and services. The incident on the evening of August 30, 2024 has magnified the gross neglect and inattention to health care and services on Virgin Gorda. 

Despite repeated concerns raised over the years, Virgin Gorda remains underserved, as clinics and healthcare centres operate under inadequate conditions that compromise the wellbeing of its residents and guests. These issues include:

- Clinics that are either closed for extended periods or operate with drastically reduced hours.

- A shortage of qualified medical staff available to provide routine and emergency services, or the inability for them to be scheduled for shifts that cover the operating hours of the clinics.

- The absence or malfunction of essential medical equipment, hindering the provision of adequate care.

- A lack of specialized healthcare services that forces residents to travel to other islands, often at great inconvenience and expense.

These deficiencies in healthcare services pose a significant risk to the health and lives of the residents and guests of Virgin Gorda. The situation is particularly alarming for vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, and individuals with chronic conditions who rely heavily on accessible and reliable medical care.

Healthcare is a Human Right

Healthcare is a fundamental human right, as recognized by the United Nations (UN) in Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: 

*"Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including... medical care and necessary social services."*

This right should not be denied to the people of Virgin Gorda. It is the responsibility of the Government, the Health Services Authority (HSA), and other relevant authorities to ensure that all citizens have access to quality healthcare, regardless of their geographic location.

Our Requests

We, therefore, call upon the Government of the British Virgin Islands, the Health Services Authority, and His Excellency the Governor to urgently address the following:

1. Extend clinic operating hours to ensure 24/7 access to healthcare services for emergency and urgent care needs.  Ensure 24 hr availability of a doctor and a nurse on each shift. 

2. Equip and staff healthcare facilities with sufficient, well-trained medical and administrative personnel, including general and emergency practitioners, nurses, and emergency responders.

3. Ensure that medical and operational  equipment is fully functional and ensure that the clinics are stocked with sufficient supplies, and that the clinics are equipped with modern, up-to-date technology to provide accurate diagnoses and effective treatment.

4. Increase the availability of specialized medical services to reduce the need for off-island travel for basic medical care and consultations.

5. Develop a long-term plan to expand healthcare infrastructure on Virgin Gorda to meet the needs of a growing population.

  1.  Complete the Clinic in Spanish Town by 2025.
  2. Ensure minimal 9am-5pm operating hours at North Sound Clinic with a facility staffed at minimal with a nurse and then a doctor 3 days a week by December 15, 2024.
  3. Ensure that both clinics have adequate medical supplies as well as working EKG machines and defibrillators.
  4. Further explore possibilities of an ambulance boat that is equipped with basic life saving equipment and qualified personnel to staff it.
  5. Ensure swimming instruction for doctors and nurses. 
  6. Ensure that a fully functional dialysis machine, along with all necessary equipment and a trained technician, is available at the Nurse Iris O'Neal Medical Clinic.
By addressing these issues, you will not only improve the health and well-being of Virgin Gorda’s residents and guests but also ensure that healthcare on our island is in line with international standards.

Recognize as well that Virgin Gorda is a premier tourist destination and urgent care must be available. 

We urge you to treat this matter with the utmost urgency, and we look forward to your prompt action in resolving the healthcare crisis that continues to affect our community.

Why is this important?

Health is Wealth and we, the undersigned, want the enhancements of our clinics on Virgin Gorda to be a priority item for the Government of the British Virgin Islands. 



2024-09-07 11:58:08 -0400

500 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached