To: President Donald Trump
US AG Holder: Prosecute Voter Rights Violations Immediately
There are rampant egregious violations of Consitutionally guaranteed and hard-won voter rights in this country today. The election's certified outcomes should be withheld until everyone's valid vote is counted. All obstructionists should be held to the fullest extent of our laws. This is a direct assault on America's democracy. No different than the voter suppression of the 1960's addressed by former Attorney General Robert Kennedy.
Why is this important?
"In a last-minute directive issued Friday night that could disenfranchise thousands of Ohioans and tip the outcome of the election, Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted changed requirements for submitting provisional ballots on Election Day.
The directive requires voters, not election officials, to fill out a confusing form listing the type of ID they provided to vote. This new directive is a clear violation of Ohio law and puts even more votes at risk of not being counted.
Secretary Husted has also instructed election officials to not count ballots where that part of the form has not been correctly filled out by the voter.
Ohio Secretary of State Husted's high-handed actions are just one example of the rampant egregious violations of Consitutionally guaranteed and hard-won voter rights in this country today. The election's certified outcomes should be withheld until everyone's valid vote is counted. All obstructionists should be held to the fullest extent of our laws. This is a direct assault on America's democracy. No different than the voter suppression of the 1960's addressed by former Attorney General Robert Kennedy.
The directive requires voters, not election officials, to fill out a confusing form listing the type of ID they provided to vote. This new directive is a clear violation of Ohio law and puts even more votes at risk of not being counted.
Secretary Husted has also instructed election officials to not count ballots where that part of the form has not been correctly filled out by the voter.
Ohio Secretary of State Husted's high-handed actions are just one example of the rampant egregious violations of Consitutionally guaranteed and hard-won voter rights in this country today. The election's certified outcomes should be withheld until everyone's valid vote is counted. All obstructionists should be held to the fullest extent of our laws. This is a direct assault on America's democracy. No different than the voter suppression of the 1960's addressed by former Attorney General Robert Kennedy.