To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

US Citizens Fiscal Double Audit

Submit an executive order directing the US Congress to conduct a full and independent bipartisan "Double Audit" fiscal waist report for the entire US government, (ALL) agencies to establish a money waist baseline, identifying waist and thus begin cutting our debt through waist management and improve our US tax revenue expenditures and fiscal health going forward.

Why is this important?

US citizens face by 12/31/20012 “The Fiscal Cliff.” As such, we must begin to look inward in saving monies, reduce cost and improve tax revenue waist. With that said, we can begin with a double independent bipartisan audit on tax revenues received & spent across (ALL) government agencies, Congress, Defense, Social Security, IRS, Medicare, National Defense, Education, and so on. A double audit would be preformed to identify government fiscal waist. This would establish a fiscal baseline to move forward & begin fiscal adjustments needed to reduce government debt and improve tax revenue expenditures for "WE THE PEOPLE" of the Unites States of America.
