To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

U.S. House & Senate Committee on Veterans on Veterans Affairs, To Hold VA Officials In Contempt o...

"Find All Veterans Affairs Officials In Contempt of Congress Due To Unresponsiveness during Congressional Hearing."

On April 8, 2014, Fox News aired a story about a hearing related to the IRS scandal, which IRS official Lois Lerner testified before the House Speaker John Boehner, and the following two committees. Both the House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform, and the House Committee on Ways & Means. Which both of the above mentioned committees plan to bring charges of Contempt of Congress against IRS official Ms. Lois Lerner.

On April 9, 2014, an article was written by Human Events, Power of Conservatives Voices, which reads as: "Rep. Louie Gohmert had a heated discussion with Attorney General Eric Holder about the latter's astonishing refusal to hand over documents pertaining to a variety of scandals, notably including the Obama Administration's deadly gunrunning program. Operation Fast and Furious. There is no way to defend what Holder has done - he's a political operative sitting on a mountain of documents that our representatives in Congress have every right to see - so Holder didn't even try. he just got very, very angry that Congress keeps badgering him about it. When Gohmert brought up the historic contempt citation voted against him by the House in 2012, Holder went ballistic."

Well as a citizen and U.S. Veteran of America, I am appalled myself that Congress has shown themselves to be operating via a double standard. I say this because around March 2012, both the House & Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs had hearings, in which VA official Alison Hickey Under Secretary Veterans benefits Administration was asked a specific question by Senator Richard Burr and Ms. Hickey was very evasive. Which caused Congress to file several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, which as far as I know up until this very day, the VA has not responded any Congressional (FOIA) requests.

Sometime around February 2014, there was Joint House & Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs hearing pertaining to an audio video recording, which was recorded by Oliver B. Mitchell 3rd, a Marine Veteran and former VA employee turned whistleblower. During the hearing Re. Tim Huelskamp of Kansas asked Dr. Robert Petzel , Under Secretary Veterans Healthcare Administration many questions about the audio video recording, which contained the voice of Oliver B. Mitchell 3rd responding to his supervisors relating to their ordering him to massively purge Veterans patient radiology appointments at the Greater West Los Angeles VA Medical Center. Which Dr. Robert Petzel lied and said the audio video was false and it didn't happen that way.

As recently as March 13, 2014, I attended a Joint House & Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs hearing, which Eric Shinseki Secretary of Veterans Affairs was questioned by Rep. Tim Huelskamp of Kansas about the recent (19) Veterans patient deaths in VA hospitals around our nation. Which Eric Shinseki VA Secretary was very evasive and suddenly House Chairman Jeff Miller mysteriously called the hearing to an end without Rep. Tim Huelskamp's questions receiving any answers at all.

Why does Congress want to go after an IRS official Lois Lerner for Contempt of Congress? Why did Congress cite the Attorney General Eric Holder for Contempt of Congress? Yet Congress has continuously allowed Veterans Affairs officials to consistently lie and be evasive during Congressional hearings, as did Eric Shinseki, Alison Hickey and Dr. Robert Petzel.

Citizens of the United States this is totally unacceptable for the futures of our children's children. We have no other choice but to stand together as sovereign citizens and demand all governmental officials be held in Contempt of Congress, Under 2 U.S.C. Section 192, when they refuse to answer questions and to provide federal documents during any congressional hearings.

As sovereign citizens of the United States, we must unite together for the purpose of reminding all three branches of our government, the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and Judicial Branch we're a nation RULED BY LAW. We must demand that they keep the standard of LAW trumping politics, politics doesn't trump LAW. When politics trumps LAW, it is for the reason why an agency like the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is systematically murdering our nation's Veterans. At an alarming rate of (55) deaths a day via Veterans suicides, Veterans Affairs hospitals massively purging Veterans patient appointments causing major delays in medical treatment. Last but not the least the death of Veteran Jeffery Wagoner and many other Veterans who die due to the Veterans Affairs doctors giving prescriptions for painkillers before giving Veterans patients sufficient medical treatment.

The goal is to get 100,000 signatures and comments on this petition and then we will walk into the offices of the House Of Representatives and Senate on the Hill in Washington DC.

Why is this important?

Due to a lack of prosecutorial authority over the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans Affairs are getting with committing felony crimes against our nation's Veterans.
