To: President Donald Trump, The Arkansas State House, The Arkansas State Senate, Governor Asa Hutchinson, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

U.S. Veterans Hospital Patient Abuse 6-15-2011 Still Not Investigation

Patient ABUSE at Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks 1100 North College Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72703 On June 15, 2011. TELEPHONE 479-443-4301
Congressman Steve Womack PHONE 202-225-4301, and Senator Mark Pryor PHONE 202-224-2353 Refuse to open investigation since 6-15-2011

Why is this important?

I suffered a stroke at the U.S. Veterans eye clinic Fayetteville, AR June 15, 2011, a doctor there had my wife drive me to U.S. Veterans hospital, Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks. (John R. Henley M.D. and Mark A. Elderle M.D.) there in Fayetteville, they did a scan on my brain, no doctor there at Fayetteville to read it so they sent it to Alabama to be read. I lay in the stench of my own feces and urine for 5 hours. My wife yanked me out of there and brought me back to Fort Smith, to Sparks Regional Medical Center emergency room where I was given HUMAN care and hospitalized. My wife and I contacted Senator Mark Pryor and Congressman Steve Womack and ask for an investigation into the abuse at the U.S. Veterans hospital in Fayettevliie. For over a year now we have ask their help in opening an investigation and they do not return our phone calls and emails regarding investigation. I have had Parkinson's disease for about 9 years, I have since June 11, 2011, had 3 more major strokes, suffered many falls, broken my shoulder from a fall, and now bound to a wheelchair. In my opinion, Senator Mark Pryor and U.S. politicians care less about the medical care of U.S. Veterans. Seems to me they wish we would just die and go away. If you get a chance to speak to Senator Pryor, Congressman Womack, and Senator John Boozman, ask them to show you the letters I wrote and emailed them, also the emails my wife wrote them concerning the abuse my wife and I suffered June 15, 2011. I honorably served six years of U.S. Military service, Why am I being denied the investigation from the honorable service of my Government elected officials who are paid to represent "we the people who pay their salary"
Lynn E. Carter
Fort Smith, Arkansas