To: Joe deshotel, The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, Governor Greg Abbott, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

USA "8 th Amendment " HEAT TDCJ

The 8th amendment is being denied in TDCJ prisons. Men
and woman are dying from abusive conditions including no air conditioning in the units. They are being submitted to cruel and unusual treatment by experiencing over 100-degree temperatures for days - weeks - months at a time with no relief.
The law has been established that temperatures should be between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit in all county, state, and federal prisons and county jails. The law was passed in 2016 with no response as of 7/3/2018. These conditions are being used as punishment along with other cruel and unusual punishment ie: no toilet paper, only hot water showers, no utensils to eat with, taking fans and bedding, leaving the inmates to sleep on metal, infestation of rats and roaches to the point inmates are unable to sleep without getting bites.
Suicide and attempts are increasing while facilities turn their head and ignore cries for help. Medication is being denied for mental health and chronic conditions on a regular basis and pleas for help have been ignored in my case from the Ferguson unit in Midway Texas where my son and 30 other young men's rights have been violated with no resolution.
I'm begging for some kind of relief before any more young men or woman die.

Why is this important?

Cruel abuse in the TDCJ Ferguson unit in Midway, Texas:
My son is an inmate at this unit and after multiple pleas to everyone, I could think of this is my last resolve! The heat is being used as a form of torture. The 8th Amendment Rights states "no cruel and unusual punishment shall be exhibited." We beg of you for help for all the men and woman suffering.
