To: President Donald Trump, The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, Governor Jay Inslee, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Use the power of state government to create an economic recovery.

Please create a bi-partisan commission to discover what types of government programs actually boost the economy, create jobs, and spread wealth to large and growing, middle economic class.

As part of this process, "Economic growth," must be redefined so as to include the middle class American.

"Economic growth" is not the spread of monster corporations, gobbling up all their competitors and leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. This is not economic growth; it is economic sabotage.

Real growth in a capitalistic or semi-capitalistic society involves responsible corporations working for balanced benefits that accrue to their customers/clients, and their stockholders equally.

Real economic growth must work from the middle class outward. If it does not benefit a growing middle class, it is not "economic growth," no matter what some corporate elite may say to the contrary.

Economic growth may also be defined, in part, as the spreading of benefits, such as health care, to the largest percentage of people. "Growth" that deprives the middle and lower economic classes of essential services is not real growth.

Essentially, you must also create a corresponding "Chapter of Lessons Learned" on things that did not work in the past, again, evidence based.

The process should be transparent, evidence based, and open to the public.

This must be a collaborative, cooperative, problem-solving effort, not an exercise in finger-pointing. It should begin with an oath by members to leave their old economic, social and political theories behind, and to focus on "what works," based upon fact-based evidence. It should have a built-in mechanism to abruptly stop any theory-mongering.

We, the American People, have had it up to here with political and economic theories. We want results. We care more about what has worked in the past, and what is likely to work in the future.

What will bring about long-term, broad-based, economic health to our nation, and to the world?

Please find out, and then let's do it together. We are not Republicans. We are not Democrats. We are the Americans of a new century!

Why is this important?

Create a facts-based, bi-partisan American policy on economic reforms.

As Democrats and Republicans, we should know by now that cutting jobs, in either governmental or private sectors, does not create an economic recovery. However, spending money is not enough to bring about sustained recovery either. We are long overdue for a bi-partisan effort to fix the USA economy, and by implication, the economies of the world as well.