To: President Donald Trump
"Ushering in an AIDS-free generation," means keeping HIV/AIDS medications accessible.
Remove the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement's articles that would cut off access to HIV/AIDS medications for millions of people.
Why is this important?
The battle against AIDS has some remarkable recent successes to report:
1 million babies treated with medication to prevent HIV infection at birth.
5 1/2 million people accessing lifesaving treatment in 2012, up from 50,000 in 2005
We are on our way to ZERO!
Zero new infections and zero babies infected at birth;
Zero AIDS-related moralities;
Zero discrimination against those impacted by HIV/AIDS.
But at the same time there is an imminent challenge to maintaining the good news:
A massive global trade agreement, the Trans Pacific Partnership, is currently being negotiated without public input. The agreement contains articles which would impose intellectual property and patent protections that would cut off access to lifesaving medications for millions living with HIV/AIDS.
Through signing this petition you will be urging our President to fulfill his commitment to, "Ushering in an AIDS-free generation," while at the same time bolstering the image and perception of the United States throughout the World.
1 million babies treated with medication to prevent HIV infection at birth.
5 1/2 million people accessing lifesaving treatment in 2012, up from 50,000 in 2005
We are on our way to ZERO!
Zero new infections and zero babies infected at birth;
Zero AIDS-related moralities;
Zero discrimination against those impacted by HIV/AIDS.
But at the same time there is an imminent challenge to maintaining the good news:
A massive global trade agreement, the Trans Pacific Partnership, is currently being negotiated without public input. The agreement contains articles which would impose intellectual property and patent protections that would cut off access to lifesaving medications for millions living with HIV/AIDS.
Through signing this petition you will be urging our President to fulfill his commitment to, "Ushering in an AIDS-free generation," while at the same time bolstering the image and perception of the United States throughout the World.